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Bee Rome
a Bee City USA affiliate

Bee Rome is a program of the Rome-Floyd E.C.O. Center focused on pollinator education. It is comprised of an E.C.O. Center staff member and citizens who are passionate about pollinator conservation. Through various programs and events, Bee Rome seeks to bring awareness to the problems facing pollinators and what can be done to protect their habitats.

Establishing and maintaining pollinator habitats and demonstration gardens
Hosting community-wide educational programs
and events
Promoting native plant
species and reducing the
use of pesticides
Native Plants are the most beneficial species for native pollinators. They are more drought tolerant, disease & pest resistant, and provide the best pollen and nectar content for native pollinators. Bee Rome encourages the use of native plants whenever possible whether it is for home gardens or wildflower meadows. For a list of natives in our area, click HERE. In addition, Plant Life Nursery is a local business that sells many natives and butterfly host plants.
The use of herbicides and pesticides is the greatest threat to our pollinators. These chemicals can remain in the plant's pollen and nectar long after application, thus killing any pollinator who visits it. Bee Rome is committed to reducing how and when it uses herbicides to manage pollinator habitat. Learn more about our Integrated Pest Management plan HERE.
Education is one of the most powerful tools that Bee Rome uses to make a difference. Through various programs and events, we expose people to the benefit and necessity of diverse pollinator populations. Bee Rome representatives will do presentations for schools, civic clubs and organizations, lunch and learns, and more. To schedule an educational program, email us HERE. We additionally host community events throughout the year. Click HERE to view these events.
Giving bees and pollinators suitable and sustainable habitat is a large portion of Bee Rome's work in Rome and Floyd County. We currently maintain 3 wildflower plots at Ridge Ferry Park, the City of Rome Water Reclamation Facility, and the Mt. Berry trailhead. You can learn about those plots HERE. The Rome-Floyd E.C.O. Center is in the process of building a demonstration garden in front of its facility. Check back with us soon for additional information on the garden.
Bee Fest
Bee Rome's annual celebration of bees and pollinators takes place on a Saturday during National Pollinator Month (June). Local vendors and artisans set-up with merchandise that highlight bees, flowers, and the like while Bee Rome provides information, crafts for kids, and resources. The goal of Bee Fest is to inform patrons of the importance of pollinator conservation and what they can do in their own yards to make a difference.
Save the date for June 14, 2025!


Pollinator Census
Bee Rome participates in the Great Southeast Pollinator Census, a citizen scientist project that helps with pollinator research and conservation. Using one of our pollinator plots, we encourage citizens to join in the research with us. The census only takes 15min to complete, and all materials and instructions are provided.
The next count will be held Friday, August 22, 2025. Check back for details on location and time!
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